St. Matthew Baptist Church came from Friendship Baptist Church of Stratford through it's Founding Pastor, Rev. Aaron M. Best. Pastor Best began his discipleship at Friendship Baptist Church of Stratford in January 2003. As God called him closer to the ministry, he became an Associate minister of Friendship Baptist Church for seven years, from August 2008 to May 2015 before the Lord called him out to plant a new ministry to be called St. Matthew Baptist Church.

JUNE 14, 2015: St Matthew Baptist Church launched at the Bridgeport Holiday Inn in the Bridgeport Room. The Founder and Senior Pastor, Rev. Aaron Best, delivered his first sermon as Senior Pastor. The Scripture was Matthew 4:18-23 NKJV and the sermon topic was " Are Your Going To Do It Or What?" Sis Judy Geyer joined the church on that day, becoming the first disciple of St. Matthew Baptist Church. Sis. Alona James served as the first usher and Sis. Brittany Stewart served as the first Director of Music

OCTOBER 2015: St. Matthew Baptist Church celebrated its first Women's Season. Guest Preachers for Women's Season were Rev. Dr. Betty Fludd, Associate Minister, Messiah Baptist Church; Minister Carol Perkins, Associate Minister, Friendship Baptist Church of Stratford; Minister Renata Johnson, Associate Minister, East End Baptist Tabernacle Church; and Rev. Dawn C. Snell, Associate Minister, Union Baptist Church. 

NOVEMBER  2015:  St. Matthew Baptist Church outreach launched its First Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive that fed 78 families in the Bridgeport community. 

DECEMBER 2015:   St. Matthew Baptist Church began negotiating with the Bridgeport Roman Catholic Diocese for the purchase of the decommissioned church, Holy Rosary Parish. Unfortunately, negotiations broke down and the purchase was never realized

FEBRUARY 2016: St. Matthew Baptist Church hosted its first Easter Egg Hunt at Lafayette (Nanny Goat) Park. The Easter Egg Hunt was attended by 200 community children, Bridgeport Fire Department truck, and City Councilwoman Jeanette Herron.

MARCH 2016: St. Mtthew Baptist Church hosted a private showing of the movie "Risen." The private showing was viewed by members of the community and other church disciples.

NOVEMBER 2016: St. Matthew Baptist Church began a partnership with Bridgeport Hospital/Yale New Haven Healthcare to work together on health issues that affect the Bridgeport community. On November 19, 2016, they partnership hosted Men's Health Symposium. The event was attended by 60 participants from the community. Panelist included, Dr. Ceasar Irby, Dr. Keith Churchwell, Dr. Sachin Majumdar, and Joseph Petreycik, RN. Mr. William Jennings, President and CEO of Bridgeport Hospital was also in attendance.  

MARCH 2017: St. Mattew Baptist Church Hosted its first Religious Tolerance Symposium in partnership with the University of Bridgeport.  Panelist included: Rev. Cass Shaw, President and CEO of The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport; Rev. Dr. Lindsay Curtis, President of Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention and Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church (Norwalk); Father Reginald Norman, Priest at Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Church; Dr. Ahmed Ebrahim, Bridgeport Islamic Center; and Rabbi Michael Farbman, Temple Emanuel of Greater New Haven.

AUGUST 2018: St. Matthew Baptist Church in partnership with its home church, Friendship Baptist Church of Stratford, hosted "A Journey's to the Potter House" presentation of Jeremiah 18, by Rev. Dr. Michael Ferris. This event was attended by community and faith leaders.

 JANUARY 2020: After being a "church without walls," St. Matthew Baptist Church relaunched its worship services at 126 Washington Avenue, sharing space at the historical First Baptist Church of Bridgeport.

MARCH 2020: Facing the worldwide pandemic, COVID-19, St. Matthew Baptist Church was forced to close the doors of the church because of the high transmission and because the virus is highly contagious.

JUNE 2021: After 18 months of virtual worship service, St. Matthew Baptist Church began worshiping through the pandemic, opening the doors of the church and began rebuilding the ministry through the pandemic.

​​​​​​St. Matthew Baptist Church

 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:15-18/NKJV).